Pastor Donna DeSarro-Raynal
Clerk of Session
Cindy Levy Class of 2025
Stewardship / Finance
Art Thatcher - Class of 2024
Steven Veneris Class of 2024
Christian Education
Pamela Rinsland - Class of 2023
Congregational Care
Aye Bear Paw - Class of 2025
Outreach / Mission
George Helmintoller - Class of 2023 &
Charity Houghton - Sink - Class of 2023
The Worship Committee (Julie Woodard, Cindy Levy, Patty Robertson, Marg Jensen, and Pastor Donna) reflects an abundance of God-given gifts including music, art, community outreach, proclamation, and technology. They organize volunteers to serve as lay readers, leaders for the Children's Sermon, ushers and greeters, and multimedia volunteers. They prepare Communion and coordinate the placement of paraments, banners, and other seasonal liturgical elements. They secure pulpit supply. The committee aims to bring fresh ideas into worship and makes it their mission to share God’s blessings to Wythe Presbyterian Church.
The Congregational Care Committee (Aye Bear Paw, Chair) keeps watch over all our members and coordinates fellowship activities throughout the year. Activities include Christmas tea events, greeting card ministry, receptions, back to school drives, potluck dinners, movie nights, pool parties, and other fellowship activities.
The Mission & Outreach Committee (George Helmintoller and Charity Houghton-Sink, Co-Chairs) helps steer our Christian witness into Olde Wythe and to the world. They survey and interpret for us the good work of local service agencies and denominational missions. They shepherd our participation in all these opportunities. They determine budget apportionment for our church mission giving. Events include the H.E.L.P. homeless shelter and more.
The Property Committee (Steven Veneris, Chair) oversees building maintenance, repair and improvements, grounds and landscaping, operations and security, interior design, furnishings, trash disposal and storage for all ministries.